Medical Affairs Candidates
You’re an accomplished Medical professional working within the industry, or you’re keen to break into the sector. Regardless of whether or not you’re actively looking, we’d be keen to have a chat.
We know that finding the right role is a difficult, and at times, arduous task which doesn’t tend to get easier regardless of how often you do it.
Sure, the vacancies open today are great, and of course we’ll walk you through ours, but our sector specific expertise, and extensive industry network allows us to be aware of not only the open positions of today, but also the open positions of tomorrow.

How would you like an experienced Consultant to do the leg work for free?
We do more than simply provide a list of open vacancies through which you can sift.
We offer:
- Industry knowledge with a wide range of companies
- A single, specialist consultant on hand for when you need them
- End to end interview advice
- An insider’s negotiation as to the final deal you get with your new company
Even better, because the person employing you funds our services, it doesn’t cost you a penny.

There are lots of jobs out there, and you may well have been contacted in the past by recruiters who’ve seen your job title and apparently nothing else. We don’t work like that.
We know that even if the CV and Job Description match, the role may still not be right; that’s why we take an interest in not only your career to date, but who you are as a person.
Not everybody wants to work within a leading Blue Chip. Of course some of our clients are, but many of our most sought after opportunities come from our SME partners disrupting established industry. Indeed, businesses who are scaling up their commercial operations typically present some unique chances for you - our candidates - to work with the most innovative and cutting edge technologies coming into the market.

It’s all good and well us saying talking about what we can do for you, but go to our meet the team page, find our consultants on LinkedIn. We like to think that our testimonials say what we’re trying to get across more credibly than we ever could.

Throughout the entire process your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information is paramount to the key element of our recruitment model: trust.
You can be assured that you will be dealing with a well-informed, credible and transparent recruitment partner who will listen to your requirements and provide you only with the best matched opportunities.
We know how small the Medical sector really is, and we understand the delicate nature of searching for new roles. With this in mind we never submit your personal information to our clients of any other third party until we have your express consent.

To learn more about how we operate, feel free to get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, have a look at our current vacancies.
If you don’t see anything you like, or aren’t actively looking, give us a call all the same so that we can understand what it is that would pique your interest, or indeed how we can help you in your current employment.